Never try to pull one on a teacher who hates you.  Unless you’re a masochist.  Then it might be worth a try!  #hallway100

But seriously, how stupid can you be Lucas?  Cleo would pull a gun on you if you took out a pack of gum.  Oh well, after seeing John get out of all his work this week, he obviously has had enough.

This week is over, but more hilarious high school comics return next week!  An intruder breaks into Mt. Caramel High School, and the response is, well, you’ll see…

On another note, this is our 200th comic!  Yes, you’ve been dealing with the antics of this messed up high school for 200 strips!  The scary thing is this place can only get crazier.  Yeah, if you ever find yourself trapped in the comic world, do not enroll here.  Unless you want to end up like Joey.